July 2007 - Jonah-3 and Jude-1

(It has been a while. We've been busy..and so on.)

(Jude's Birthday Invitation that I worked entirely too long on...moms will do that kind of stuff.)

Jude turned 1 on April 26th, 2007.  We celebrated a few days early at Quail Ridge Park and had a wonderful time. 
It was a circus theme, so there were lots of bright colors, hotdogs, nachos, chili dogs, cotton candy, birthday cake and an assortment of other things. 
I bought these large clown sunglasses for all the kids to wear and only the little ones really wore them. They all liked the red clown noses too,
but they tended to break in half pretty easily..oh well!  The puppet show put on by Miranda and Logan (the jester and the clown) was really cute
and the kids played with these large balls that kept rolling into the nearby Henry's Pond.  Randy rescued it over and over..he's a great guy. 
Daddy cooked hotdogs and momma ran around and talked and tried to keep things running smoothly.  Dad also snapped these pictures.
It was fun for the kids young and old.  Julia again made such a cute little cake.  

The Birthday Boy

The Birthday Boy - Baby Jude (my snuggle buddy)

Jude had fun too but he didn't get to get down and crawl as much as he would have liked to..I didn't mind so much because
he's my second child and he's got to build his immunities in some fashion.  But both grandmothers and some aunts and honorary aunts
were there and frowned upon him crawling on the pavilion floor. (hehe)  So he mostly was carried to and fro.  He enjoyed the cake. 
He likes any food..not sure exactly where he gets that.  (haha) He can "out-eat" Jonah at nearly any setting.

Mommy and Jude


Jul's cool cake

Coolest clown in town, Mister Logan

all the colorful stuff mom had fun picking out. :)

Grammy looking vacation ready in her hat and shades.  Marcie and Jag too.

Jude's most favorite girlfriend, Courtney

Claudene and Ryleigh...Claudene should be a stylist..her family always looks good.

Our now Floridian friend Tiffany..we miss you all

All the birthday stuff.

Jester Miranda and the gang!! (Tiffany, Dillon, and Jaglyn)

The two musketeers, Geena and Summer!


Julia took some pictures too:

Jean Claire and Madelyn

My uncle Benj..one of my mom's younger brothers

Jeanie on Jonah's "bike"

Jocelyn and her "boyfriend", Jaglyn

My momma and daddy

Jocie, Miranda, and I think that is Jaden

Outdoor fun

Mom with Jeanie, and Cindy with Ethan (Benji's youngest)

Jocelyn..if I had a daughter, this is what she would probably look like. 
I love her hair bows.  When she gets just a bit older, she and I are going
shopping together and I'm going to treat her to a day out on the town.

Jean Guy and Jeanie..she's getting so big.  She can talk like a big girl now. :)

Blowing out the candle..well, I did.  hehe

Jude starting to love the attention.

Ethan and Jeanie

Watching the puppet show

Papa Jake and the birthday boy

Ryleigh..this picture is just the best. 


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