July 2007 - Jonah-3 and Jude-1, Part 3

I'm getting more regular!! :)

Jude can follow commands really well!  I asked him to touch his hair, my nose, his ears..he could do it all.  Then I saw him pick up a little piece of toilet paper on the floor of our bathroom and put it in the trashcan!!  I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but he sure looked like he was doing it with purpose.  I sure hope so..we need someone around here who has time to clean! :)

This is the funniest..Lesh made me some brownies after the boys were in bed this evening.  I'm staying up to do bookwork and I told him it would inspire me to work harder.  hehe  Anyway, I took a bite and had already finished chewing it up.  I decided to check on Jonah since he was supposed to be falling asleep to "Jonah" - the Veggie Tale movie.  I got in bed with him and kissed him on the cheek and he said "what you got in your mouth?"  I honestly replied "nothing".  He said "open your mouth so I can see".  (We had a small night light on in the room.)  So, I opened my mouth and he said "You got some chocolate in there?..a little bit of chocolate?"  I laughed and said "No."  He laughed and said "uh huh.  You do have some chocolate in there.  I thought so," as if he was amused that I was trying to keep it a secret.  I about cracked up. There was nothing in my mouth, so I guess he identified what I had eaten by my chocolaty breath.  How do 3 year olds get so smart??!! 


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